Tips on how to socialise your dog

By Aoife Donegan from Give That Paw –

Firstly, starting when you get your new puppy is the most crucial point. For the first 3 months of your dog’s life, socialisation is a very important part of their development stages. This is the point when social desire outweighs their fear. All interactions should be conducted in as safe and comfortable an environment as possible for your new pup. You do not want them to feel overstimulated or stressed. Make as many positive associations & interactions as possible at this stage. 

Your pup does need to be vaccinated before going out into the world. However, you can do this safely in an enclosed garden where only vaccinated dogs have been. Whereas on the outside of your house that is an unknown environment where you don’t know which dogs are vaccinated or not. 

Introducing your dogs to new environments safely from your car is also a great way of socialising them. Going to areas where they can get used to the different noises, scents, new people outside of their home circle, buggies, movement, children and other dogs. Rewarding your dog or even bringing your snuffle mat/lick mat along will provide added comfort and reward for them as they learn how to socialise. Any desensitising work should be carried out by a professional dog trainer. Make sure their methods are only positive!

Body language is extremely important when socialising your dog. Learning from a trainer on what cues your dog is giving you, that show they are anxious or low in confidence. They need your reassurance and guidance. 

Picking the right dogs to socialise your dog with is also vital. For example, not pairing a senior dog who may be in pain and could snap at a little excitable pup. Making interactions safe and positive is very important! Slow and steady does win the race! 

If you plan on introducing a new puppy to another dog or dogs within a household, please seek the help of a professional dog trainer as there are a lot of factors to consider in order to make the transition as seamless as possible.

If you need professional assistance to train or socialise your dog, contact Give that Paw at:

0852206836 (WhatsApp only)

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