Dog Breeding Legislation

Republic of Ireland

New rules on the sale or supply of pet animals came into effect on 1st February 2020. They are the Animal Health and Welfare (Sale or supply of pet animals) Regulations 2019 (No. 681 of 2019). These include the following:

1) sellers/suppliers of six or more pet animals in a calendar year must apply to be entered into the Register of Sellers and Suppliers of Pet Animals;

2) premises used in connection with the sale or supply of pet animals must be entered into the Register of Premises

3) sellers/suppliers of six or more pet animals in a year must keep certain records on the animals, for at least three years:

  • name and address of the person from whom an animal is obtained,
  • date an animal is obtained,
  • date of sale or supply of an animal,
  • description of animal, including species, breed, sex, colour and distinctive markings, physical condition and health where practicable, age and animal identification, if applicable,
  • name and address of the person to whom each animal is sold or supplied and date of sale or supply,
  • details of disposal of each animal not sold or supplied, including cause of death, method of, and reason for, euthanasia, circumstances of escape, and date of the death or escape,
  • for each animal receiving medical care, clinical signs, diagnosis, the type of service rendered, date and veterinary practitioner’s name.

4) all advertisements of pet animals must include the following information-

  • the registration number of the seller/supplier of the animal;
  • the age of the animal;
  • the unique code of the microchip implanted in a dog;
  • the country of origin of the animal;
  • if the seller/supplier is a dog breeding establishment to which the Dog Breeding Establishment Act 2010 is applicable, the registration number issued by the relevant Local Authority, or –
  • in the case of a registered charitable organisation (Charities Act 2009) the registration number issued under the Charities Act 2009.

5) the new regulations prohibit the sale or supply of pet animals under certain specified minimum ages

Please see more information here

Northern Ireland

Laws, Regulations and Guidelines may be found below:


*All information is correct as of July 2023. DogStop accepts no responsibility for information being out of date on this page, but we will endeavour to keep all information as up to date as possible.

This information is not extensive.

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