Tips on how to socialise your dog

By Aoife Donegan from Give That Paw – Firstly, starting when you get your new puppy is the most crucial point. For the first 3 months of your dog’s life, socialisation is a very important part of their development stages. This is the point when social desire outweighs their fear. All interactions should be […]

Separation-related behaviours, or why can’t I leave my dog alone?

By Niamh Lynch, Polite Paws Dog Training and Walking ( Separation-related behaviours are generally behaviours we see each time we leave our dog alone, either separated from all their people or specific individuals. They might even demonstrate some excitable or big intense behaviours when you return too. Separation related behaviours may include destructive-type behaviour such […]

Raw Feeding ~ by Dublin Dog Care Nutrition

As a canine nutritionist, I understand that each diet created for a dog in our world has benefits to their health and nutrition. Your dog’s diet might not be suitable for your neighbour’s dog but what matters is that it is beneficial to your dog’s health and stomach! There are a lot of rumours about […]

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